Confessions of a Male Lesbian

A subtle mixture of random thoughts and quite lurid details describing quite explicit fantasies I have of my wife who happens to be my favorite sex partner with an understanding to the reader that various silliness may crop up unrelated to the aforementioned and quite naughty imagery.

Friday, September 10, 2004

What the...??

"What the...?" is a line from the second Addams Family movie in which the obstetrician happened to describe his /her reaction to the what ensued upon the birth of Cousin Itt's child and thusly ended up being the name of that offspring. Likewise, this title will probably encapsulate the thought of most individuals especially when confronted with the title "Confessions of a Male Lesbian" Is it possible to be a male lesbian? Sure....anything is possible in this day and age. Even though I am male, don't you think it rather misogynist and sexist to disallow my right to not prefer particular gender notwithstanding. Therefore, I suggest that this issue be not considered when ultimately confronted with what will end up being, I'm sure, tedious and non-ending descriptions of quite graphic yet tantalizingly erotic descriptions of periodic..well, weekly...umm perhaps daily fantasies I might have specifically involving thoughts of my wife, who shall go nameless hereafter. Which is probably good for me cause she'd probably kick my sorry ass into the next century if any hint of her ever became public. Of course, now that I think about it, the imagery of her smacking my ass may lead to a future discussion. Yet, I digress. There is always the possibility that I may wax poetic about cannibalism, uranium mining and the effects of international shortfalls in developing a coherent and rational move toward energy conservation---although I particulary doubt it, in this forum, as anyone who happened to word search "male" "lesbian" will probably come naughty, naughty fools. Face're wanting the sex part, aren't you? You people are sick and, yet, on the other hand let's go for it. This weblog has just been started and it should be fun. Please don't expect sex each time you cum...oops, come by. Oh, okay... maybe I'll bother to satisfy those nasty urges of yours. You people are really starting to disgust me, you know that?